Healthy Alternatives When You’re Craving Sweet


Healthy Alternatives When You’re Craving Sweet


Applesauce still gives you that sweet taste while having lots of healthy nutrients. One cup of sugar has more than 770 calories whereas the same amount of unsweetened applesauce has only 100. Like fresh apples, applesauce also contains polyphenols, which may help to reduce blood pressure.

Fresh Fruit

Fruit is naturally very sweet and one of the best healthy alternatives when you get a sugar craving. It can be eaten frozen in a smoothie or cut up into bite size pieces. To make your fruit feel more like a treat, try dipping it in a little dark chocolate or making a mixed fruit bowl.

Dark Chocolate

If you are craving chocolate, you can try swapping your regular milk chocolate for a small amount of dark chocolate (portion size matters!). Dark chocolate that is made with at least 70% cocoa is not only delicious, but it also contains a high amount of antioxidants. Additionally, including dark chocolate in your diet may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Banana Ice Cream

If you’re craving sweet and creamy ice cream, you could try making yourself this healthy alternative. Banana ice cream is made by blending ripe bananas in a food processor and freezing them for at least an hour. This snack is not only creamy and full of flavor, it’s also much lower in calories and higher in fiber than regular ice cream. Mix in some peanut butter for taste and added protein!


If you’re prone to sugar cravings, berries can quench your need for sugar, while adding some really beneficial nutrients to your diet. As well as being very easy to prepare, berries are sweet, low in calories, high in fiber and a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Ice Cold Drink

If you’re craving a sugary soda or juice, it could just be your body trying to tell you that you’re thirsty! Try opting for a healthier alternative to quench your thirst and satisfy your need for something other than regular water. Instead of that soda, try drinking iced tea or carbonated water. In order to make it feel like more of a treat, add lots of ice and a slice of lemon.

healthy alternatives | healthy snacks | Nurture Life


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